
Spring Designer Lash Collection

Lash Growth Cycle Explained

Lash Growth Cycle Explained

Apr 8th 2024

Similar to the hair on your head, your lashes shed daily. Once you lose a natural lash a new one grows in its place!

The extensions on your natural lashes will shed around 4 weeks when properly cared for. It is recommended to get a Lash Fill every 2-3 weeks to maintain fullness.
Week 1: Your lash extensions are freshly applied and placed .5-1mm away from your skin.
Week 2: Your natural lashes (and extensions) grow slightly longer.
Week 3: Your natural lashes have grown out further and generally your lash extensions will need to be removed before it weights down your natural lash.
Week 4: Your natural lash has grown allot. Because natural lashes grow out in a corkscrew motion which can cause your extensions to twist and turn.

Refills maintain the dense full look of your lash set and prevent damages from droopy outgrown lashes. Depending on your aftercare and each natural lash cycle, you may need a refill after 2 weeks, or you may need one after 3 weeks.

During refills, your stylist will remove any outgrown lash extensions that have moved halfway up your natural lash as its grown. Then we place a new extension/fan on any of the lashes currently without an extension.

If you are leaving your refill longer than 3.5 weeks you are going to be coming to your refill appointment with a lot of natural lashes grown out or without an extension, in most cases the only option at that point is to do a full set to lash all natural lashes and maintain a full look!