

Have you considered on-line lash training?

Have you considered on-line lash training?

Aug 26th 2021

Finally, #PremierLash now offers on-line training with our sister company in Canada. How do we feel about online learning? Especially Online Lash Learning?⁠ 

Pro Tip :

* Online learning for adults (busy people with lots of responsibilities) is awesome. ⁠

* You do not have to drop your current job (or cut hours)! On-line training is flexible. Study on your own time and pace!

* No need to commute or spend time away from your family/obligations.⁠

⁠* Rewind or pause videos if you did not fully understand something or just want to review it once more and go over the material as many times as you need to. ⁠

However, how do you teach a technique that you have to actually physically perform? ⁠How do you teach lash extension skills online when you are not there?⁠ What if I am doing something wrong?⁠

Not to worry, We have got you!⁠

* First, you will have an online theoretical part, where you watch videos of different techniques and applications. ⁠THEN we will officially meet in our first LIVE online zoom session. ⁠

* The live online zoom sessions have only 5 spots available per session. Live sessions will show a demonstration before you even touch any of your tools. After comes the fun part, it’s going to be your turn to show me your technique (by that time you will have all the material and props to work with and would be able to practice in advance). ⁠

I will be able to actually see and help you live. ⁠You will be able to ask questions and interact with me.⁠

Does it sound like something you want to be a part of?⁠  Reach out today!