

Fidgety Client?!?

Fidgety Client?!?

Jul 19th 2022

Applying lash extensions to a client that is fidgety and/or has fluttery eyes can be a difficult!   As challenging as it may be, it is a common problem that all lash artists must learn how to work through.

We have gathered a few tips on how to deal with these fidgety clients\ and help them to relax ... 

1) Be Patient:

If your client arrives flustered or uptight, try and help them calm down a bit before having them lay on your lash table. Offer them some water or to use the restroom.  Encourage them to take a few minutes to relax.

2) Create a calm environment:

Create a calm and peaceful environment with your choice of colors, fabrics/materials and equipment.  Your clients will pick up on this vibe as soon as they arrive.  Play soothing music and have an inviting aroma in the air. Ask if your client would prefer a blanket or extra pillow under their knees? Creating a calm inviting environment will help your clients relax and unwind.  

3) Adjust your lash light away from client’s eyes:

If your client has light-sensitive eyes, or is squinting while you apply eye pads, try moving your lamp away from their eyes. In general, you should be able to maneuver your lamp so you can still see the natural lash to apply extensions.

4) Talk a bit less:

We recommend cutting back on conversations.  Encourage your client to relax and hopefully take a lash nap.  This will help the client relax, so their eye pads do not move and their eyes are not so fluttery.

* You may wish to offer a 24k Gold Collagen Crystal Lip Mask.  The mask is designed to permeate deep into the skin to hydrate & moisturize dry chapped damaged lips. Leave on lips for a minimum of 20-30 minutes, longer is better and should last until the end of your service for best results.

*  Ensure that you give each new/existing client PremierLash Lash Care Instructions .  Care instructions will educate clients on best practices, appointment etiquette, do's and don't of lash extensions and suggested retail products to care for lash extensions.

We hope this posts helps!