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Common Health Concerns for Lash Stylist and How to Prevent Them!

Common Health Concerns for Lash Stylist and How to Prevent Them!

Dec 20th 2021

Keep your Hands Steady

As lash professionals, our hands are essential to our job. Repeated gestures when lashing, we are prone to hand/wrist pain, cramps and carpal tunnel syndrome.

We recommend using high-quality PremierLash tweezers and tools. PremierLash Tweezers have a balanced, lightweight design with a loose camber to reduce hand fatigue.

Proper lashing technique also plays a major part --form and hand motion when applying the lashes can minimize hand strains.

Performing hand and wrist exercise are also useful. When you are waiting for your next client, you can do simple hand and wrist exercises; massage it thoroughly or use a stress ball.

Keep your Eyesight in check

In our profession, it is extremely important that our eyesight is 100% in good condition because we are working with a client’s eyes. 

It is crucial that you schedule an appointment with your eye doctor who measures your eyesight. The use of magni-specs may be of help!

Make your lash space soothing to the eyes. Good lighting is also important. The PremierLash LED Pro Beauty Floor Lamp features 2 lighting controls: 1 for brightness and 1 for color temperature control. Brightness is used for light intensity/clarity and color control is used for warm/cool tones. Both are essential for all beauty services. 

Lastly, eye breaks are also key! Schedule these when you are doing services or between clients. Refresh your eyes when you are not handling a client. 

Keep a More Positive Frame of Mind

Keep a positive conversation with your clients. Avoid gossiping or complaining about things. Keep the positive vibes flowing.

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